Vanilla Chia Pudding

The subtle taste of Vanilla in milk makes this Chia Pudding a treat for the taste buds. Nuts and raisins also enhance the whole experience altogether. And more importantly, they give the much-needed crunch in the pudding recipe. INGREDIENTS: THE PUDDING  3 Tbsp chia seeds1 cup plain milk (or soy milk or any other plant-based milk of your choice)1 tsp pure vanilla extract1/8 tsp cinnamon2 tsp of honey or maple syrup INGREDIENTS: TOPPINGS  2-3 walnuts slices7-8 raisins1-2 lemon slices DIRECTIONS :: 1.Put all the pudding ingredients in a bowl or jar and stir to combine. 2. Cover and let it sit in the fridge for 2-3 hrs or until the chia seeds form the jelly-like consistency. ( Best kept for overnight).…

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Chocolate Chia Pudding

Chocolate is my favorite go-to snack and by far this chocolate chia pudding is one of the best for me. Here, is a recipe for you to enjoy! INGREDIENTS: THE PUDDING  3 Tbsp chia seeds1 cup plain milk (or soy milk or any other plant-based milk of your choice)1 tsp of Vanilla extract.1/8 tsp cinnamon2 tsp of honey or maple syrup1 tsp of Cocoa powder INGREDIENTS: TOPPINGS A slice of dark chocolateFew pomegranates seedsSome coconut flakes DIRECTIONS 1.Put all the pudding ingredients in a bowl or jar and stir to combine. 2. Cover and let it sit in the fridge for 2-3 hrs or until the chia seeds form the jelly-like consistency. ( Best kept for overnight). 3.Before serving stir well…

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Story of Chia Seeds Pudding

Chia Seeds Pudding has come up as a favorite go-to breakfast over the years. People around the world like its nutty taste and it has no doubt become an alternative source of nutrients to kick start the day. C H I A  S T O R Y:: Chia Seeds come from a plant, Salvia hispanica, belongs to a mint family. Its origin is believed to be in Central America where the seed was a staple in the ancient Aztec diet. Chia Seeds have gained attention from the world due to its high omega-3 fatty acid. They also are a good source of fiber. Chia Seeds also contain protein and minerals, including iron, calcium, magnesium, and zinc. M Y  C H I…

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Quinoa Salad

Before dive into the actual recipe of making the Quinoa Salad, let me give some quick info about Quinoa. We Indians are quite new to this food item and haven’t started using it very often in our recipes. Quinoa pronounced as ‘kveen.vaa’ has originated from South American before coming to our kitchen as a healthy stable diet. Quinoa is gluten-free, high in protein, and one of the few plant foods that contain a sufficient amount of all the nine essentials fatty acids, besides having a good amount of antioxidants in them. So now we know why it is so popular in the ‘ Vegan’s Diet’. After this quick intro, let’s go to the actual recipe for preparing a Quinoa salad. Measurements::…

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Making Mango Tart

Summer in India is not complete without a mango treat. After all, Mangoes are the king of all fruits and we are so fortunate to get them fresh in the market. And that too in a large variety! Mango Tart From raw mangoes to absolutely ripe fruit, we enjoy mangoes as long as it is in season. You can make many recipes out of it and the options are endless. Frankly, I could not resist myself to make one or two out of the mangoes. Today I bring to you, a lovely mango tart recipe for you to make and enjoy. I hope you like it. For the Tart Crust Shell:: Ingredients:: 2 Cups all-purpose flour.2 tsp of butterSalt and Sugar…

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Read more about the article Slow Living in City Life #Food
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Slow Living in City Life #Food

If you have read my last blog, you know our present topic of discussion. And if you are new here, first of all welcome to my blog. In my last blog, I was writing about how we could incorporate Slow Living in the City Life. To continue the topic further, let us explore another important aspect of our daily lifestyle- Food. Now we all know, fast pace in the City Life often left us with little time to cook food or indulge in good quality food. We are more allured with fast food (food that is ready made, processed and easily available.) Food industries are flooded with such food. In every corner of our city, we see ready to make and…

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Top 5 Indian Spices that reduce weight

When it comes to food, the world knows India by its rich varieties of Species. No doubt our simplest recipes are not complete with one or two ingredients from the Spice family. The rich aroma and flavor in taste that these Species gives, makes our simple curry mouth watering and delicious. But these Spices not only add flavor or taste, but hold key ingredients beneficial for our health and fitness. Here I bring to you the Top 5 Indian Spices to lose Weight. Turmeric- Turmeric is known to us for its flavor and vibrant color. But in our Ayurveda, turmeric holds an important place for its medicinal properties. Most of its health benefits are due to the presence of curcumin, a…

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Top 5 Health Benefits of Black Tea

”Wake up! Quick, get up and come down, I am preparing Tea” shouted my Mother from the Kitchen. This was the first thing that got into my ears every morning. My days always start with a hot steaming cup of Black Tea. Sometimes I made a little addition with ginger or lemon as I desire. I guess this is how many Indians would relate their mornings- A steaming Cup of Black Tea. Black Tea “Black Tea” or “Red Tea” was first discovered in China in the 17th Century. Later it came to India, during the British period. The famous Darjeeling tea, Earl Grey or Orange Pekoe was grown in India by the English people. It was drunk by the elite class.…

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