8 Ways to Self- Care

When you feel like nothing is right and everything is falling apart in front of you. Hold tight and care more about yourself. Indulge yourself in a rich self-care routine. Nurture your body, mind, and soul. There's nothing wrong with doing so. You have every right to take care of yourself. Spend some time in a day for yourself. If you decided the 'why-factor', that is, why you need a self-care routine. I will give you the 'how-factor', that is, how you could indulge in a self-care routine. 1. Drink plenty of water- Drinking plenty of water not only hydrate yourself but it is good for your skin and overall digestive system. It also helps in boosting your mood. Drink at…

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Time Management

Nowadays we are all very busy and we keep the words repeating very often “I don’t have time to do this or that.” But then on second thought, if somebody as busy as me, can get time to do something, why am I not having that time? We all have 24 hours a day. It is because that person has a better and effective way of managing his time than us. So we need to learn how to make use of our time effectively and efficiently to be more productive. Yes, that’s my dear is the definition of Time Management. And today we are going to dive deep into this part. We all lead our lives differently. And we all have…

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5 Ways to lead a Contented Life

Do you find joy in little things in Life? Do you have inner peace? If the answers are in affirmations, then my friends you are leading a contented life. W H A T  I S  A  C O N T E N T E D  L I F E?  Contentment or the state of content is about peaceful inner satisfaction. To be satisfied and more importantly to appreciate what you have in life, rather than wishing something different. At the same time, it does not advocate to settle for a Life you do not enjoy. Rather dream big and try to achieve it with full force. Contentment celebrates good in Life while appreciating the struggle we undergo to succeed. But it…

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What is more important- to find happiness or to have a contented life?

Today let us go through another important aspect of our life and find out what is more important in our life.........to find happiness or to have a contented life? But before that let us find out what is happiness means to us? Happiness is a state of mind and not an object. We feel happy when we achieve what we desire. For example, a runner will feel happy and probably be on top of the world, if he wins a national level marathon. Or I feel happy to see my best friend after a long gap. But in life, it is not possible to be in a state of happiness all the time. There are ups and downs all the way.…

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How to increase your Productivity?

As a human, we always wanted to become more Productive in order to achieve something or to get the rewards we normally deserve. But to be constantly Productive, sometimes make us totally exhaust our battery. It is very difficult to give a constant performance and to be Productive all the time. But there are ways we can make ourselves learn and practice which would in the long run increase our Productive and help us give a consistent performance. Today I am dedicating this blog post on how could we increase our Productivity. And I am here to give you some tips and tricks that will help you get going. In order to be more productive, you need to prioritize the things…

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Building Healthy Habits

We all at some point of time have felt the need to build a Healthy Lifestyle. The reasons may vary:: you felt the need to tone up your body, or wanted to win that running competition, or wanted to come first in class.....your ‘Why’ could be endless...But the end is almost the same. That is building some healthy habits. Today we are going to deal with some basic and general habits that we all could include in our daily routine. But before that, you need to answer a question to yourself...why you need to do this? This ‘Why’-Power has much to do with starting some of the healthy habits. After all, habits are some things we do quite often and at…

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How to stay Positive in Hard Times?

Life is a roller coaster. Sometimes it will take you to new heights and sometimes it will drag you to deep darkness. But that is what Life is all about. Happiness encircles positivity, good thoughts, good company. But staying positive in Hard Times is very difficult. If you're reading this, that means you have already choose positivity. And that is the first step. Now let me give you some of the ideas I nurtured to stay positive in Hard Times. A) Always remember that if your happiness is not everlasting, so is your Hard times. It will also pass. Be strong and don't run away from the situation you are facing. Face it with strong will power. Be always optimistic about…

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10 Questions to ask yourself before Goal Planning

We all have different priorities in different levels of our lives, for which we have to plan before hand to achieve it. These are basically, known as goal planning. These goals changes as we get older. Our goals also changes to new goals as we achieve our previous goal. Say for example, I planned my study time at the time of my graduation in order to pass the examination. After I achieve the goal, my priority shifted to getting a job and I plan accordingly to achieve the next big target. Before getting down to goal planning, we need to ask a few questions within ourselves to plan more effectively and efficiently. 1. First of all, what is my life's goals?…

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Best Quotes on Slow Living

Slow Living is a life style changes emphasizing a slower approach to aspects of everyday Life. I, myself, is very new to this concept. After reading some of the articles  about Slow Living, I got interested to learn more about the concept of Slow Living. What I gather till now, is from articles and blogs that are easily available in the internet. As I started diving deep into the realm of Slow Living, I got hold of some of the beautiful quotes about Slow Living. These quotes are very relevant  in our everyday life. And it is not hard to relate easily with this quotes. Although they are flooded in the internet, I shared some of the quotes on Slow Living,…

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